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Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


      Fitur/Hotkey :
Enemy Freezer = NUMP 0
Minimize On = Insert
Minimize Off = Delete
Wallshot On = Home
Wallshot Off = End
Semua Misi Complete = F5
 Card 10 FF-0F = F6 
Complete Char Assault = Shift+1
Complete Char AWP =  Shift+2
Complete Char SMG = Shift+3
Complete Char SG = Shift+4

All Map Hack ON = Work On Random Map = Cari Sendiri
All Map Hack Off = Reset All Map Hack = Cari Sendiri 
Enemy freezer membekukan semua musuh/teman sehingga
dengan mudah kita membunuh lawan...
jika menjadi RM mencegah lawan mendifuse bom
work BM, DM, DEF, DES
gunakan timing yg tepat.... 
 Jika gak RM hati2 jalannya...sebab kita jg gak liat gerak
dah ah kembangkan sendiri aja ya.... 
Credit by USn|Hero™ aka Gohack
Special Thanx : HRD for inspiration

Update Pancibuntus

 Update Pancibuntus
 Update Lagi Habis GM Update HS Tadi 
 Fitur/Hotkey : 
Minimize On : Insert
Minimize Off : Delete
Wallshot On = F1
Wallshot Off = F2
Replace Char = F7
Reset Char = F8
Hack Title = F11
Spion Mode = F9
Hack Rank = F12

Baret Assault = NUMPAD4
 Baret Sniper = NUMPAD3
 Baret SMG = NUMPAD2 
Baret SG = NUMPAD1 
Use Title = Langsung Ada Pada Penggunaan Baret

Cara pemakaian :
[-] Tuk WS On saat memulai Play dan Off saat Loading screen Play
[-] Tuk replace char kyk dah pda tau  xixixix...Yg bisa Hnya baret Dan Helmt
Credit by pancibuntus@N3
Greetz to: Zenix, Drache, Abujafar, RCD, Gambler007

Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

S.A.Repack @ 30 Desember 2010

S.A.Repack @ 30 Desember 2010  
Map Hack - Wallshoot - Masmed - Baret Hack - Hack Title

Hotkey :
Wallshot On = F6
Wallshot Off = F7
Baret Hack [Reload Animation All Weapon] = F9
Hack Title [Full Title] = F10
All Map Hack [Bom Mission] = F11
All Map Hack [Deatch Match = F12
Hack Mission Card [Complete Card] = Insert
Reset Mission Card [Uncomplete Card] = Delete

Bomb Mission = F11  
Luxiville >> Training Camp 
Downtown >> Training Camp 
Hospital >> Crackdown

Deatch Match = F12  
Burning Hall >> Eastern Road 
 Library >> Eastern Road 
Mstation >> Eastern Road 
Kick Point >> Crackdown
 Cara Pakai Map Hack :
~ Pas di Lobby Tekan "F11" untuk Bomb Mission dan "F12" untuk Death Match
~ Plih Room terserah anda dengan nama room "S.A.Repack 30 Des"
~ Udah deh main sesuka hatimu pakai map hack tanpa tekan tombol apa- apa lagi
~ Kalau udah kelar main, ya udah pilih lagi room dengan nama tersebut

Cara Pakai Reload Animation All Weapon :
~ Tekan "F9" pas di room
~ Ke inventory
~ Ke room lagi
~ Play room

Credit By 
Greetz to : Swadde Dyan@N2, RCD@N3, Rifqi36@N3, All Members [N2-N3]



Fitur/Hotkey :
Insert = Minimize On
Delete = minimize Off
Home = Wallshot On
F5 = Robot Viper/Hide
F6 = Robot Leopard/DFox
End = WallShot Off & Reset Char / Helm / Baret
F11 = Free View Mode (BM)
F12 = Rank hack + Title hack

RightCTRL + LEFT ARROW (Ctrl Kanan + Panah Kiri) = Baret Assault
RightCTRL + RIGHT ARROW (Ctrl Kanan + Panah Kanan) = Baret SMG
RightCTRL + Up ARROW (Ctrl kanan + Panah ATAS) = Baret Siper
RightCTRL + DOWN ARROW (Ctrl Kanan + Panah BAWAH) = Baret SG
RightCTRL + Page Up = Baret Secondary
RightCTRL + Page Down = Baret Hitam

RightCTRL + Numpad 0 = Headger / Helm+++
RightCTRL + Numpad 1 = Topeng Putih
RightCTRL + Numpad 2 = Topeng Hitam
RightCTRL + Numpad 3 = Topeng Rusia
RightCTRL + Numpad 4 = Topeng Kotiki
RightCTRL + Numpad 5 = Topeng Gurun
RightCTRL + Numpad 6 = Topeng Falme
RightCTRL + Numpad 7 = Topeng 2 Warna
RightCTRL + Numpad 8 = Topeng Besi
RightCTRL + Numpad 9 = Topeng Target
RightCTRL + Numpad / = Topeng Labu
RightCTRL + Numpad * = Topeng Pink
RightCTRL + Numpad + = Topeng tengkorak
RightCTRL + Numpad . = Topeng Badut
RightCTRL + F7 = Topeng Alien biru
RightCTRL + F8 = Topeng Alien Hitam
RightCTRL + F9 = Topeng Hospital
RightCTRL + F10 = Topeng Emas

Cara Pakai Replace Char :
On kan setelah Ready/Start dan Offkan saat "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN GAME"
Gredit By Kewel@Us-N:.Hero
Spesial Thanks to : HRD, Rcd, UsN_BenSiX, Indrascott

Pasimbung v1.4 Nano Version

Pasimbung v1.4 Nano Version
Cuman Maphack Luxvile dan Downtown

Fitur/Hotkey :
Map Hack, Luxville to CrackDown [F5 On/Off] 
Map Hack, Downtown to CrackDown [F6 On/Off]

Cara Pemakaian : 
~ Join room BM ( Luxvile/Downtown)
~ Tekan hotkey ( F5/F6 [On] ) sebelum start
~ Tekan hotkey ( F5/F6 [Off] ) di layar loading
Credit by hrd@N3
Greetz to : dono, drache, John_Smith

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

S.A.Repack @ 29 Desember 2010

S.A.Repack @ 29 Desember 2010
Wallshoot No BT -- Char Hack -- Masmed -- Baret Hack


Hotkey1 :
Wallshot On = F6
Wallshot Off = F7
Hack Title = Delete
Hack Mision Card = Insert
Reset Mision Card = Delete

Hotkey2 :
NUMPAD 1 = Viper/Hide + 
Beret ????
Viper/Hide + Beret Nimble Sneaker 
Viper/Hide + Beret Still Assasin
Viper/Hide + Beret Supreme Buster
Viper/Hide + Beret Shooting Star
NUMPAD 6 = Beret ????
Beret Nimble Sneaker 
Beret Still Assasin 
NUMPAD 9 = Beret Supreme Buster
NUMPAD 0 = Beret Shooting Star

Cara Pakai Masmed / CardHack :

=== untuk mendapatkan medal dan exp ===
Beli Misi >>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> setelah selesai game
Klik F6 >>>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> Lakukan sampai Bosan

===untuk mendapatkan Masmed=== 
Beli misi >>>> Posisi di kartu P >>>> ke Lobby >>>> tekan F5 ( complete all card's ) >>> Play
selesai main >>>> Buka tutup kartu misi P s/d K
Posisi di Kartu K >>>> Klik F6 (Resset Card's) >>>> Play >>> selesaikan misi yg tersisa
Setelah selesai Game >>> Klik F5 >>> Play lagi >>> selesai main buka tutup kartu misi 2x >>> cek masmed
 Credit By Sapta Agunk
Greetz to : Swadde Dyan [N2], All Members [N2], RCD [N3], Rifqi36 [N3] 

Gambler007 29122010

Gambler007 29-12-2010
New Update

Fitur/Hotkey :
Minimize On = F1
Minimize Off = F2
Wallshot On = F3
Wallshot Off = F4
Replace Char = F7
Reset Char = F8
Hack Title = F11
Spion Mode = F9
Hack Rank = F12
Baret Assault = NUMPAD1
Baret Sniper = NUMPAD2
Baret SG = NUMPAD4 

Use Title = Langsung Ada Pada Penggunaan Baret
Cara pemakaian : 
~ Tuk WS On saat memulai Play dan Off saat Loading screen Play 
~ Tuk replace char kyk dah pda tau xixixix...Yg bisa Hnya baret Dan Helmt 

Credit By Gambler007@N3
Greetz to : Zenix, OM Drache, Abujafar, RCD

[S][M]ShareMind Injection V.3.5

[S][M]ShareMind Injection V.3.5
Fix setelah GM Update Diam-Diam


 Fitur/Hotkey :
Insert = WallShoot Always ON
F5 = Hack Card
F6 = Resset Card
F9 = Spion
F10 = TitleHack
F11 = UnName << Pelengkap
F12 = Rank << Pelengkap

Numpad 1 = Baret SMG
Numpad 2 = Baret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Baret SG
Numpad 4 = Baret Hand Gund
Numpad 5 = Baret Assault
Numpad 6 = Baret GM
Numpad + = charhack + Helm++
Numpad - = resset Character

Cara Pakai Baret :
Klik Hotkey baret yang diingin kan >>> Play

Cara Pakai Char Hack :
Start >>> loading room klik numpad + >>> pas ada tulisan "Sedang Mempersiapkan Game" Langsung klik Numpad -
Cara Pakai Masmed / CardHack :

=== Untuk Mendapatkan Medal dan Exp ===
Beli Misi >>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> setelah selesai game
Klik F6 >>>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> Lakukan sampai Bosan

===Untuk Mendapatkan Masmed=== ( RIBET MODE ON )
Beli misi >>>> Posisi di kartu P >>>> ke Lobby >>>> tekan F5 ( complete all card's ) >>> Play
selesai main >>>> Buka tutup kartu misi P s/d K
Posisi di Kartu K >>>> Klik F6 (Resset Card's) >>>> Play >>> selesaikan misi yg tersisa
Setelah selesai Game >>> Klik F5 >>> Play lagi >>> selesai main buka tutup kartu misi 2x >>> cek masmed.

Baca Aturan Pakai - Gunakan System ON OFF - DC/BT Tergantung Pemakaian
 Credit By Nina@ShareMind
Special Thank's to HRD - RCD - All  

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

[S][M]Sharemind Injection V.3.4

 [S][M]Sharemind Injection V.3.4
UPDATE....All in One

 Fitur/Hotkey :
Insert = WallShoot Always ON
F5 = hack card
F6 = resset card
F9 = Spion
F10 =TitleHack
F11 = UnName << Pelengkap
F12 = Rank << Pelengkap

Numpad 1 = Baret SMG
Numpad 2 = Baret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Baret SG
Numpad 4 = Baret Hand Gund
Numpad 5 = Baret Assault
Numpad 6 = Baret GM
Numpad + = charhack + Helm++
Numpad - = resset Character

Cara Pakai Baret
Klik Hotkey baret yang diingin kan >>> Play

Cara Pakai Char Hack
Start >>> loading room klik numpad + >>> pas ada tulisan "Sedang Mempersiapkan Game" Langsung klik Numpad -

Cara Pakai Masmed / CardHack :

=== Untuk Mendapatkan Medal dan Exp ===
Beli Misi >>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> setelah selesai game
Klik F6 >>>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik F5 >>> langsung Play >>> Lakukan sampai Bosan

===Untuk Mendapatkan Masmed=== ( RIBET MODE ON )
Beli misi >>>> Posisi di kartu P >>>> ke Lobby >>>> tekan F5 ( complete all card's ) >>> Play
selesai main >>>> Buka tutup kartu misi P s/d K
Posisi di Kartu K >>>> Klik F6 (Resset Card's) >>>> Play >>> selesaikan misi yg tersisa
Setelah selesai Game >>> Klik F5 >>> Play lagi >>> selesai main buka tutup kartu misi 2x >>> cek masmed

 Credit By Nina@ShareMind
Special Thank's to HRD - RCD - All  


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